
Did not write down notes from pgs 60-61 tho they are highlighted on kindle

60. it is primarily our consciousness which names and evaluates the differences between things, and perhaps even creates distinctions where no differences are discernible. #boxes

61. One must be positively blind not to see the colossal role that evil plays in the world.

66. matter is predicated as having considerable numnosity in itself, and I see this as an anticipation of the “mystic” significance which matter subsequently assumed in alchemy and—later on—in natural science.

68. the archetype (so far as known) denotes completeness but is far from being perfect. It is a paradox, a statement about something indescribable and transcendental.

68. The individual may strive after perfection, but must suffer from the opposite of his intentions for the sake of his completeness.

69. Paradox is a characteristic of all transcendental situations because it alone gives adequate expression to their indescribable nature.

70. In other words, if he voluntarily takes the burden of completeness on himself, he need not find it “happening” to him against his will in a negative form. This is as much as to say that anyone who is destined to descend into a deep pit had better set about it with all the necessary precautions rather than risk falling into the hole backwards.

70. The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.


72. Lucifer, the Morning Star, means Christ as well as the devil.

73. the baptized swim like fishes.

73. a Jewish commentary on Daniel, written in the fourteenth century, expected the coming of the Messiah in the sign of the fishes.

74. in anno mundi 2365, a great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter took place in Pisces. These two great planets, he says, are also the most important for the destiny of the world, and especially for the destiny of the Jews. #astrology

74. Saturn is the star of Israel, and that Jupiter means the “king” (of justice).

74. The Sabbath is Saturday, Saturn’s Day.

75. According to medieval tradition, the religion of the Jews originated in a conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn

75. Unlike Saturn, Jupiter is a beneficent star. In the Iranian view Jupiter signifies life, Saturn death. The conjunction of the two therefore signifies the union of extreme opposites.

81. From all this we may risk the conjecture that Talmudic prophecy was based on astrological premises. #Jewish

85. There is no doubt that his activities were founded on a numinous experience, which is, indeed, characteristic of all those who are gripped by an archetype.

86. for the less he is recognized the more dangerous he is.

86. We need to find our way back to the original, living spirit which, because of its ambivalence, is also a mediator and uniter of opposites, an idea that preoccupied the alchemists for many centuries.

86. the approach of the next Platonic month, namely Aquarius, will constellate the problem of the union of opposites.

86. The problem can be solved neither by philosophy, nor by economics, nor by politics, but only by the individual human being

87. the urge of the archetype to realize itself.

87. The lapis is called a “sacred rock” and is described as having four parts.



108. Any uncertainty about the God-image causes a profound uneasiness in the self, for which reason the question is generally ignored because of its painfulness. But that does not mean that it remains unasked in the unconscious.

110. Empirically speaking, consciousness can never comprehend the whole, but it is probable that the whole is unconsciously present in the ego.

110. Christ was born at the beginning of the aeon of the Fishes. #jesus #pisces

111. The mythological Great Mothers are usually a danger to their sons.

112. This claim is based—at least in astrology—on the fact that anyone born under Pisces may expect to become a fisherman or a sailor, and in that capacity to catch fishes or hold dominion over the sea—an echo of the primitive totemistic identity between hunter and his prey.

114. Thus the astrological characteristics of the fish contain essential components of the Christian myth

116. Since olden times, not only among the Jews but all over the Near East, the birth of an outstanding human being has been identified with the rising of a star.

128. But for the Middle Ages “alles Vergängliche 1st nu rein Gleichnis” was literally true: all ephemeral things were but a symbol of the divine drama, which to modern man has become almost meaningless.

132. The centre “abounds in salt”

146. The wheel of the starry universe is reflected in the horoscope, called the “thema” of birth.

149. Who has everything he needs? Even the loneliest meteor circles round some distant sun, or hesitantly draws near to a cluster of brother meteors. Everything hangs together with everything else.

Stopped notes on 144

