the power of ted*

The power of TED*
*The empowerment dynamic

  1. A fateful meeting
  2. The dreaded drama triangle
Ch. 1: A fateful meeting

There was a quiet expectancy in his presence, as if he knew I had something to share. Yet there was a spaciousness that put no pressure on me to speak right away. (6)

“A BFO is a Blinding Flash of the Obvious. It’s something you already know but which lies just beyond the edge of your conscious awareness. When they come, welcome them. A BFO is a very positive sign.” (10)

Ch. 2: The dreaded drama triangle

“At the core of any Victim, you’ll find the psychic death of a dream. All Victims have experienced a loss–a thwarted desire or aspiration–even if they’re not aware of it.” (17)

