
a running list of pages dedicated to various areas of interest

see also: glossary, symbols

topics not yet made into pages


Wanting to be understood, as adults, can be, among many other things, our most violent form of nostalgia.

Adam Phillips, Missing Out

Recommended reading: Adam Phillips – Missing Out

Jung’s MDR:

66. I even make an effort to second the patient in his fantasies. Truth to tell, I have a very high opinion of fantasy.

66. All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy.


136. The best medicine is never found close at hand, but as far away as possible. (Jung’s MDR)


153. the creative aspect of life which finds its clearest expression in art baffles all attempts at rational formulation. Any reaction to a stimulus may be causally explained; but the creative act, which is the absolute antithesis of mere reaction, will for ever elude the human understanding. It can only be described in its manifestations; it can be obscurely sensed, but never wholly grasped.

161. The truth is that poets are human beings, and that what a poet has to say about his work is often far from being the most illuminating word on the subject. MDR — many quotes in this book


977. Oddly enough the paradox is one of our most valuable spiritual possessions, while uniformity of meaning is a sign of weakness. Hence a religion becomes inwardly impoverished when it loses or waters down its paradoxes; but their multiplication enriches because only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life. Non-ambiguity and non-contradiction are one-sided and thus unsuited to express the incomprehensible. (psych and alchemy)