Alan Watts

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Alan W. Watts

All really humane people admit that they’re rascals. That’s, you see, on the side of the not respectable, the selfish. But so, also, all humane people should admit that they’re jokers; that they are playing games and playing tricks. That I am doing it on you; I am most ready to admit this. I hoaxed you all into coming here to tell you—what? It was a trap, you see? But I’m going to make it an entertaining trap so that you won’t feel so badly about it. -Alan Watts, Out of your Mind

Howdy and thanks for visiting! This page is dedicated to all things Alan Watts. Have fun exploring my personal recommendations of his lectures, books, and quotes to add a little Watts to your life.

Out of the trap.

Out of your mind. (text and audio)

How we’re born into a hoax. (33 min)